There are many ways of downloading a webpage on your local drive. But what if you want to download an entire website for any reason. There are many free applications that can do this. In this article, we will talk about all of them in detail.
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How To Download Website For Offline Reading
There are three applications which can perform many different functions.
- You can download a website completely with all the HTML, CSS, JavaScript and the other files.
- Give a link depth and the application will scan and download pages only up to that depth.
- You can specify the type of files you want to download, like mp3, PNG, JPEG, and the tool will download only that type of files from the given site.
Download Entire Website With HTTrack Website Copier
HTTrack Website Copier is a very advanced and full-fledged application that can download complete websites with all the HTML, Images, CSS files and all the other content. The application gives all the internal links a relative structure which makes it possible to navigate the website offline. HTTrack allows a great control on the size of the files that it downloads, which is very essential for people on a limited bandwidth plan. The application allows you to pause the download process, this proves its use when you download a huge website. It can also update the website if new pages or content is added to the website. You can control the link depth and many advanced options too. The website it downloads can be viewed in any web browser installed on your machine.
LINK: HTTrack Website Copier
PageNest Offline Browser
PageNest Offline Browser is an application that has a multithreaded downloading engine and can download any website at a faster rate. It downloads multiple files at once and thus speeds up the website download process. It has a built in web browser and you can browse the downloaded website in the application itself. The application downloads all the files as they are and arranges them giving the links the relative paths. This makes sure that the website you download is navigable even if you move the root folder. You can anytime pause and resume the download process too.

You can also define the size of the files that you want to download. If you are on a metered connection then downloading large files can incur huge costs. You can set the type of files and their largest size in the “File Types” tab when adding a new website to download.
LINK: PageNest Offline Browser
Download Any Website With Internet Download Manager
Most of us use Internet Download Manager (IDM), but are unaware of IDM Grabber, a built-in tool that allows you to download complete websites or any individual type of content (images, audio, etc). The major benefit of using IDM Grabber is that you don’t need to define the file types or anything else, it shows the options on the first page itself. You can download a complete website or download only the images/audio/video files from it. You also get the options to add your own file types to give you more control over the files you wish to download.

LINK: Internet Download Manager