Many of you would have seen some people’s status update like “posted via Blackberry” , “Posted via iPhone 4S” and many others. Today we are giving you a trick through which you would be able to post via a number of such devices or places. PostedVIA is a service that allows you to do this very easily. You just need to follow some steps given below to implement this.
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Hi there! This is the fourth time visiting now and
I just wanted to say I truley relish looking at your web site.
I’ve decided to bookmark it at with the title: Facebook “Posted VIA” Status Updater Trick , Share Your Status In Style and your URL: I hope this is fine with you, I’m making an attempt to give
your fantastic blog a bit more exposure. Be back shortly.
Sure and do me give me the Reddit link
cool!! gonna make it a try at the quickest
itz not working………it opens another page when i click on “open via” pls help me with it
The site has been shut down, you can read my updated article here
itz not working………it opens another page when i click on “posted via” pls help me with it
The site has been shut down, you can read my updated article here