In this modern era of technology mobile phones play a crucial role in our life. But what if we can use this cell phone to play pranks with our kith and kins. Sounds interesting? Here we have listed some of the best ways by which you can play pranks with your friends just with the simple cell phone. These pranks does not require any app/software installation, some simple manipulations on their phone will make them work.
1. Altering the Default Language Settings
You can change the cell phone’s default language settings. Select the language which is not generally known to the user.
I changed my friends mobile’s default language to Polski language. When he took his phone to text a message, he was astonished by seeing such symbols on his mobile.
2. Swapping Contact Numbers
We check the contact numbers only ones when we store them. What if someone change them afterwards. This is what our next prank is. You can swap one contact number with the other and make your friend go crazy when they call those numbers.
3. Alter Autocorrect
Most people do not check spellings while typing their message, this is because they have become very much dependent on the autocorrect feature of their cell phone. But this has enabled us to play a great prank and which’s not very easy to figure out. You can change the autocorrect settings to auto correct words like “mail” with “male” or change “tail” to “tale” on your friend’s phone, which will really make them stressed out.
4. Ceasing The Voice From Transmission
This prank is really funny. Just put a small piece of tape on the phone’s microphone. It will be in the form of a small hole at the bottom of the phone. If Somebody calls your friend then the caller would not be able to hear your friend’s voice and your friend would think that due to some network glitch his/her voice is not been transmitted. But only you know the secret.
5. Changing the Background To A Broken Glass
You can change the wallpaper of your friend’s mobile to a broken glass. For a while they would think that their cell phone’s screen is broken and would be dread by seeing it.
6. Switching From Camera Mode To Video Mode
While taking photos of your friends, change the camera mode to capture video, instead of taking pictures. Now it’s on you how much time you can make them hold the smile on their face. In the meantime, just have fun with their killer smiles.
7. Set Random Alarms
If you get your hands on your friend’s phone, you can set random alarms at odd times, may be at the middle of the night. And for the alert you can save something weird, like “Virus Alert“.
8. Making Prank Calls
You can making calls from any number in the world you choose. Follow this article to learn how.