Gzip is the easiest way of compressing your site’s content and that too automatically, no work to be done on your part. It can compress files up to one-third of...
Category: Wordpress
How to Edit .htaccess File from WordPress Dashboard Itself
“.htaccess” is a file supported by almost all the web servers today. It is placed in the root directory without a name and with the “htaccess” extension. It is used...
How to View Hidden Files (htaccess) in cPanel
Cpanel is a web hosting control panel that allows managing a website through graphical interface. It is provided by most of the top web hosting providers. cPanel provides many features...
Turn OFF Autosave In WordPress And Reduce Database Size
WordPress automatically saves the changes you make to your post every 2 minutes and stores them as revision. For instance, if you take 1 hour to write your post then...
Google Authenticator for WordPress
Earlier we talked about enabling two step verification for your Google account, which sends you a code on your mobile phone that needs to be entered to login to your...
Search And Replace With phpMyAdmin
phpMyAdmin is the best, free and open source tool that is used to handle MySQL databases from the web browser itself. It is provided by all the major web hosting...
Setting the WordPress Featured Image Size
Featured Images are the images that represent the post or the page or custom post types. It was introduced in WordPress Version 2.9 with the name of “Post Thumbnails” and...
How To Delete Custom Fields From WordPress
WordPress has a very useful feature of Custom Fields. These are fields that can store two things, a name and a value. A name is the thing that describes what...
Changing The Default WordPress Attachment Link
WordPress is the best Content Management System and is used by many. But everything has some pros and cons and WordPress is no exception. One of the problem I faced...