Download Torrent Files Without Using Torrent Client or Download Torrent files using Internet Download Manager or any other download manager. The process is very easy, you just need to visit zbigz. Either download the torrent file from any torrent providing site like Torrentz, KickAssTorrents or any other site and upload to zbigz, or just give the direct torrent link to the website. And then you get a direct download link which can be download by IDM or any other download manager.
Steps To Download Torrent Files Without Torrent Client :
- Download any torrent file or copy the direct URL to the torrent file.
Now go to zbigz. You will see a screen like below. Either paste the direct link or upload your .torrent file.
Now when you see a screen like below select the free version.
Now your file will be cached and very soon you will see a screen like below. Just click on “.zip” icon and again select the Free version. And your file will start downloading within seconds.
Limitations of Downloading Torrent Files with zbigz:
- The free version provides you with maximum 150 kbps speed. This is less for faster connections. But is good for connections with less than 1 Mbps speed.
- The maximum file size for a torrent is 8 GBs. This is very nominal because you will encounter very less files which are larger than 8 GBs.
- Number of simultaneous downloads is 2.

Leaving the limitations aside, this is a very nice and easy way to download torrents on locations where the torrent clients are blocked and also when downloading dead torrents.