
Get FeedBurner Subscribers for any FeedBurner Feed

Most of the big website show their Feedburner subscribers to get more people to subscribe to their feed. They already…

Best Way To Detect If Visitors Browser Supports JavaScript

There are many ways you can add different styles for JavaScript enabled browsers and different for the browsers that don't…

Decrease Bounce Rate With Zero Bounce WordPress Plugin

Bounce rate is the percentage of people leaving your website without going further from the page they are on, which…

Adding Social Sharing Icons in WordPress Feeds

Most feed readers allow their users to share feed items (articles/posts) on various social networking websites. But there are some…

Auto Update Plugins And Themes In WordPress

WordPress with version 3.7, enabled auto updates for all minor WordPress releases. WordPress developers did this to make the update…

Display Blog Subscribers In WordPress

WordPress allows your site visitors to subscribe to your blog to get all the latest articles you publish in their…

Redirect WordPress Feeds To FeedBurner

WordPress subscription system is not up to the mark and that is why most bloggers tend to use FeedBurner instead…

Customizing The Tag Cloud In WordPress

Displaying categories and tags in a widget in WordPress is quite easy, just drag and drop the tag cloud widget…

No-follow All External Links In WordPress Without Plugin

With Google getting more and more concerned about quality, it has become very difficult to maintain your rank in search…

Set Custom Gravatar Image As Default In WordPress

If you use the default WordPress comments on your WordPress blog, then you would most probably be displaying the images…