facebook chat

Awesome Big Facebook Smileys Codes For Chat

Back again with nice big emoticons for your Facebook chat. The Facebook chat allows only a definite size of emoticons…

Animated Facebook Icons For Facebook Chat

We found out some nice codes that can be used in Facebook chat which result in animated icons. There are…

Write Colourful Text In Facebook Chat

Earlier we gave you a trick to write colourful text in Facebook chat. And now we have a new trick…

Show Only The Online Friends In Facebook Chat [Chrome]

Long time back, when Facebook chat was updated, it started showing even the friends that were not online or were…

Make Rage Faces In Facebook Chat

  Many tutorial for Facebook chat like Colorful symbols , Awesome smileys , Facebook Like Button , and many more…

Bigger Facebook Chat With Awesome Smileys [Chrome]

The default chat bar in Facebook does not offer any emoticons. So we have a Chrome extension called Pretty Facebook…

Colorful Chat In Facebook With Colorful Alphabets

  We all chat on Facebook with our friends. But don’t you find that chat some what boring with the…